Free Form Amethyst 隨形紫水晶 No.D



浪漫系列 ~ 巴西薰衣草紫晶 No: D 酷的外型 內𥚃充滿了閃爍的光芒 一座山接一座山 如同進入了阿卡沙的治療場關域 No.D Cool appearance Inside is filled with sparkling light One mountain after another Seems entered the healing field of Akasha W: 78.4g Size: 4 x 4.9cm HK$ 388 / USD 50 ✨天然原石難免有不完美,礦、晶石屬天然物,表面有機會出現礦缺,棉絮,黑點,沙洞,屬自然正常現象,並非為瑕疵品,這些並不會影響天然水晶的靈性與功能,完美主義者請考慮後再下單🙏🏼 ✨天然礦石是大地母親送給大家的禮物🎁,帶領我們突破自己的小伙伴。我們看重的是她的內在能量。🙏🏼 Healing with Amethyst ♥ Increases nobility ♥ Spiritual awareness ♥ Psychic abilities ♥ Inner peace and healing ♥ Healing of body, mind & soul ♥ Positive transformation ♥ Meditation ♥ Balance ♥ Relieves stress ♥ Communication

Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone.  It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others. 

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